Quick Drying prior to Crack Repair and Joint Sealing on Runways and Aprons

The crack repair and joint sealing jobs must be finished within a certain deadline, but at the same time with the highest quality. With Zirocco jet dryers, you can dry and clean much faster and deeper into the pores of the surfaces, which increase the quality and durability of the sealings.

Our jet dryers enable you to finish the work in time because the cracks and fugues can be dried and cleaned within only few minutes.

Advantages with Zirocco


Using the Zirocco jet dryers can increase the quality of work and provides a longer lasting paint and sealing. The heat and air pressure dries and cleans deeper into the joints, cracks, pores of the surface and heats up the surface, which enables better adhesion.

Longer season

If you live in a climate that experiences wet, moist and cold conditions, paint cannot be applied all year round without assistance from technology. Our solutions can dry effectively all year around and are even capable of raising the surface temperature up to 30 degrees Celsius (86 degrees Fahrenheit).


Our jet dryers allows you to continue working in climates that experience inclement weather. By using our jet dryers you can keep your deadlines and secure work even in tight frames.

Telematics & Hotline

Your hotline support license for collecting product performance, diagnostics and GPS tracking data. You can generate utilisation reports for clients and internal purposes. Zirocco update firmware and provide remote support and diagnostics for resolution of product errors.


Up to 5 km/h depending on the chosen product, surface (asphalt or concrete) and weather conditions.


Allows you to utilize your resources more efficiently. Traditional drying with e.g. LPG requires 2-3 staff. Our jet dryer only requires 1.


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In this testimonial, the CEO from Complete Sealing Solutions shares his positive experience using the Zirocco Jet Dryer. Hear first hand how it has enhanced efficiency and performance in their operations.